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GUARD TEMP™ Barge Cargo Temperature Unit (BCTU)

Barge Cargo Temperature Unit

The GUARD TEMPTM Barge Cargo Temperature Unit (BCTU) is a rugged low-cost stainless-steel tank temperature sensor designed for tank barges. It provides fast, accurate measurements and – to the biggest advantage – no more mess. To add to the convenience, the unit requires no permanent cabling. It is easily installed in any tank opening of two inches or larger.

The GUARD TEMPTM  BCTU is also highly adaptable. Choose from individual thermo wells of up to three different temperature measurement points. The PT-1000 platinum wire wound temperature sensors are wired directly to a connector on top of the junction box. Instantaneous temperature measurements are taken with a GUARD TEMPTM  Portable Temperature Display Unit (PTDU) – a separate unit connected to the BCTU.

The product information PDF can be found here.

GUARD TEMP™ Barge Cargo Temperature Unit (BCTU)

Product Features

The GUARD TEMPTM Barge Cargo Temperature Unit (BCTU) is a rugged, low-cost, stainless steel tank temperature sensor designed for tank barges providing fast, accurate measurements and, the biggest advantage, no more mess. To add to the convenience, the unit requires no permanent cabling and is easily installed in any tank opening of two inches are larger.

Additional Information


– Cargo temperature gauging with no power available
– Suitable for all cargos refined to asphalt
– Universal flange (or) NPT coupling
– 100% stainless steel construction
– 1,2, or 3 temp points per tank
– Sensor length made to order
– Junction box allows for easy replacement of temp probes without exposing cargo
– Deck spool piece hight made to order

Options include fitted with or without sensor pipes into existing thermal well and fitted on GUARD LEVEL® Twin Alarm Sensors.

Cargo TemperatureGUARD TEMP™ Barge Cargo Temperature Unit (BCTU)