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GUARD LEVEL® Fuel Management System (FMS)

The GUARD LEVEL® Fuel Management System (FMS) is an inventory management system for tug boats and other smaller crafts that produces an audit trail to easily optimize fuel usage and reduce and eliminate fuel pilferage. This intuitive tank gauging system has extended hardware and software capabilities.

The FMS main cabinet and associated CARGORADAR® or GUARD LEVEL® Digital Float Gauge (DFG) combined GPS interface provides for highly accurate daily fuel usage reports. By characterizing the bunker tanks and having these strapped to +/- 0.15% accuracies, highly accurate tank volumes are calculated.

The FMS software generates detailed daily reports and trip data information stored in non-volatile memory. When data communication like a Satcom or 4G system is specified, the daily report can be transmitted directly to your data center or uploaded to our Bergan-provided secure Fleet Reporting Software (FRS) cloud service. With the FRS, you have dependable access to data when you need it.

The product information PDF can be found here.

GUARD LEVEL® Fuel Management System (FMS)

Product Features

The GUARD LEVEL® FMS (Fuel Management System) is an inventory management system for tug boats and other smaller crafts that produces an audit trail to easily optimize fuel usage and reduce and eliminate fuel pilferage.

Additional Information


– Continuous inventory control of all instrumented bunker tanks
– Consumption analysis with GPS coordinates for all instrumented bunker tanks
– Fuel discharge report after tug to barge fueling transfer
– Engine fuel consumption (requires optional coriolis flow meter)
– Data storage in non-volatile memory
– Shore vs vessel discrepancy report after each bunker operation
– Remote monitoring using cloud-based FRS (Fleet Reporting Software)

SoftwareGUARD LEVEL® Fuel Management System (FMS)