GUARD LEVEL® Visual Gauge Tree (VGT)
Visual Gauge Tree
The GUARD LEVEL® Visual Gauge Tree (VGT) is a radial gauge tree, which when used with sight glasses provides enhanced gauging ability for full depth gauging. Its unique design allows for absolute tank level readings and visual gauging up to 15 feet, clearly marked with ullage or innage flags every six inches or optional metric versions (available with 20cm spacing).
Flag spacing can also be customized to order. Large two-inch by four-inch numbers provide for easy viewing. Its stainless-steel bar stock provides maximum strength and reduces product build-up. Lengths can be custom sized. GUARD LEVEL® VGT can be set for clockwise or counterclockwise rotation as well as ullage or innage measurements. Top-off flags for 95% and 98% are supplied separately and can be clamped on for the exact tank maximum level.
The product information PDF can be found here.
GUARD LEVEL® Visual Gauge Tree (VGT)
Product Features
The GUARD LEVELTM VGT (Visual Gauge Tree) is a radial gauge tree when used with sight glasses provides enhanced gauging ability for full depth gauging.
Additional Information
Features | – Visual gauging up to 15' with ullage or innage flags every 6" Options include top-off flag (stop sign), top-off flag with 98% and top-off flag with 95%. |