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GUARD LEVEL® Dual Wiper Site Glass (DWSG)

Dual Wiper Sight Glass Series includes a DWSG and a DWSG Gas Free.

The GUARD LEVEL® Dual Wiper Sight Glass (DWSG) series of powerful sight glasses provide visual aid and full- depth gauging on coastal tank barges assuring safe loading and prevention of tank overfills. With a 50-inch square viewing area, these sight glasses are vapor-tight and can be mounted on tank hatch domes or expansion trunks.

Naturally, they comply with the Code of Federal Regulations for full depth manual tank gauging. When placed above the tank sumps, the sight glasses’ visual gauging aids in a tank’s stripping operation. Wiper elements of different types are available for petrochemical as well as chemical applications. The gas-free version is also available and incorporates a hinged design with a flame screen.

The product information PDF can be found here.

GUARD LEVEL® Dual Wiper Site Glass (DWSG)

Product Features

The GUARD LEVEL® Dual Wiper Site Glass (DWSG) series of powerful sight glasses provide visual and and full-depth gauging on coastal tank barges assuring safe loading and prevent of tank overfills.

Additional Information


– Visual tank gauging
– 50" sq inch viewing area
– Raised glass for easy cleaning and eliminates water accumulation
– All parts can be replaced without completely removing unit
– Single 2-sided wiper for simultaneous wiping of top and undersides
– 1/2" thick heat tempered viewing glass

Options include mounting truck with hardware and single teflon chemical wiper.

Manual GaugingGUARD LEVEL® Dual Wiper Site Glass (DWSG)